[TriPython] Reminder: TriPython February 2016 Meeting: Debugging Hung Python Processes With GDB

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Tue Feb 23 10:46:50 EST 2016

Come out Thursday night at WebAssign for a presentation on a very 
important and often overlooked topic that gets down into the guts of the 
Python interpreter. I've also heard rumbles about lightning talks on the 
new version of Pip and a look at Conda (nice battle of the package 
installers there). Plan on staying for the after-meeting, usually at the 
very inexpensive Bada Wings in Mission Valley.


When: Thursday, February 25, 7-9pm
Where: WebAssign, NCSU Centennial Campus
        1791 Varsity Drive, Suite 200, Raleigh

When things go wrong in production, it can be necessary to troubleshoot 
problems where they occur, instead of in a development environment. In 
those situations having a working knowledge of GDB, GDB Python 
Extensions, and strace is very helpful. Brian Bouterse will show some 
simple techniques to get insight into those situations. This talk 
outlines a variety of debugging techniques for connecting to an already 
running, "stuck", or deadlocked Python process using GDB. Together we 
will inspect the current state of threads with and without the help of 
the new GDB macros for Python, inspect a local running process and a 
core dump collected from a remote machine, use strace to gather system 
call information about a process, and discuss the SIGTRAP handler as a 
proactive way to make rpdb available in production. Brian Bouterse is a 
Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat. He is a developer on Pulp which is 
written in Python and deploys Python software among other types (rpm, 
puppet, docker, etc). He also is a contributor to the Kombu project. 
Brian loves open source because he loves freedom, collaboration, and 
choice. He is a Computer Science PhD candidate at North Carolina State 
University where he studies capacity planning and performance analysis. 
He lives in Raleigh near NCSU with his wife Katie and his cat Schmowee. 
Extemporaneous "lightning talks" of 5-10 minute duration are also 
welcome and don't need to be pre-announced. Plenty of free after hours 
parking is available in the upper level of the deck behind WebAssign 
(turn through the median just before the intersection of Varsity and 
Main Campus Drives). If the door is locked, call the number posted on 
the door. An after-meeting location for food and beverage will be 
decided at the meeting (usually BaDa Wings for the Thursday night 
draught specials).

Chris Calloway, Applications Analyst
UNC Renaissance Computing Institute
100 Europa Drive, Suite 540, Chapel Hill, NC 27517
(919) 599-3530

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