[TriPython] Binder

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Fri Apr 1 11:12:46 EDT 2016

This is too cool for words:


Point it at a GitHub repo with a Jupyter Notebook. It will deploy it in 
a Docker container and host it. So it's interactive instead of static 
like NBViewer. Seems more useful than JupyterHub. It's free and open 
source. HHMI intends to continue to host it. Or you can grab the source. 
It pip or conda installs any requirements you have beyond scientific 
Python and can attach PostGres and Spark services. Killer app.

The initial commit was less than a year ago on the first day of the 
SciPy Conference. My boss just told me about it. Nothing was said about 
it at SciPy last year. I imagine there will be this year, though.


Chris Calloway, Applications Analyst
UNC Renaissance Computing Institute
100 Europa Drive, Suite 540, Chapel Hill, NC 27517
(919) 599-3530

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