[TriPython] Divio is hiring

Bradley A. Crittenden brad.crittenden at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 21:30:39 CEST 2015

Just for clarification, the muppet comment was from my friend in reference to himself. I can attest that while he does dress funny he is no muppet.


> On Jun 19, 2015, at 14:36 , Bradley A. Crittenden <brad.crittenden at gmail.com> wrote:
> I just got this from a former colleague who is the technical director:
> "Divio is hiring! The technical director is a bit of a muppet but other than that, really cool company and some awesome projects to work on. We're looking for both freelancers and permanent members either at one of our offices (Zürich, Kiev or Raleigh NC) or remotely."
> http://divio.ch/en/careers/backend/pythondjango-developer-100/
> Other than my friendship with Tom I don’t know squat about them. Definitely worth checking out if you’re qualified and looking.
> —Brad

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