[TriPython] Position at RTI International for Advanced Python Developer

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Wed Jun 3 18:09:32 CEST 2015

Additional comment from Gayle:

"Even if their statistical chops are nascent, that's OK.  It's the 
Python chops that are most relevant to the group at this point."

On 6/3/2015 11:22 AM, Chris Calloway wrote:
> I am forwarding the message from Gayle below because it tripped our
> email list content filters (multipart/related). First time that's ever
> happened. I want to add that I seriously hope we can help Gayle fill
> this position at RTI. RTI wants to add some serious Python data science
> to their already considerable analysis arsenal and it would benefit all
> of us if that were to happen. If you have Python statistical chops, you
> want to have a look at this job posting. You'd be working at the Center
> for Data Science with some of the best people in the area. BTW, Gayle is
> a member of this email list.
> """
> Hi all:
> The Center for Data Science at RTI International is looking for an
> advanced Python developer for our growing team (of 14).  Please see the
> link below and feel free to apply!  If you have any questions about the
> position, let me know.  Thanks.
> http://www.rti.org/job16170
> Gayle S. Bieler, M.S.
> Director, Center for Data Science
> Division for Statistical and Data Sciences
> RTI International
> Office: 919-597-5131 (x25131)
> Cell: 919-740-2493
> email: gbmac at rti.org
> website:  www.rti.org/datascience
> """


Chris Calloway, Applications Analyst
UNC Renaissance Computing Institute
100 Europa Drive, Suite 540, Chapel Hill, NC 27517
(919) 599-3530

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