[TriPython] Python Beginner's Night Meetup

Brian Russell brussell at astrocodeschool.com
Tue Jun 2 19:44:23 CEST 2015

With the help and inspiration of lots of great folks, like Chris Calloway, we’re launching a new meetup to help beginners with Python. If that’s you then this is made just for you. If you know a thing about Python already then please attend and help others. We hope this to be a regular monthly meetup. 

Here are the details. Please contact me if you have questions. RSVP here http://www.meetup.com/tripython/events/222961623/ <http://www.meetup.com/tripython/events/222961623/>.

When: Thursday, June 18, 2015, 6pm - 8pm
Where: Astro Code School, 108 Morris Street, STE 1b, Durham, NC 27701

Drop in between 6pm - 8pm and start down the road to learning Python. Receive help installing Python and a text editor on your computer. Ask expert volunteers questions about Python and programming in general. This will be a lab style meeting without a regular presentation. Python Beginner’s Night is free and all are welcome. If you already know a thing or two about Python please attend and help others.

Brian Russell

Astro Code School
108 Morris Street, STE 1B
Durham, NC 27701

brussell at astrocodeschool.com


+1 919.951.0263 telephone
+1 919.869.1436 fax

Astro Code School is licensed by the North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges. The North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges is not a accreditation agency.

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