[TriZPUG] Triangle Open Data Day hackathon open for FREE registration!

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Fri Feb 6 23:52:04 CET 2015

 From Ian Cillay:

February 21st is International Open Data Day and the Triangle is taking
part again with Triangle Open Data Day 2015 
[http://triangleopendataday.org], a two-day hackathon at NC State's
Engineering Building II on Centennial Campus.

Last year's event saw close to 300 attendees converge to discover,
surface, and consume government data all levels (local, state,
federal).  This year the education sessions have been reduced to allow
everyone to start hacking as part of Code for America's CodeAcross 2015
[http://www.codeforamerica.org/events/codeacross-2015]. The theme for
this year is Principles for 21st Century Government.

Durham is starting its own Open Data initiatives now and we will have
Kerry Goode (CIO, City of Durham) and Greg Marrow (CIO, Durham County)
on hand to tell us more as they deliver the keynote address.  Over in
Raleigh they've redesigned their award-winning open data site since last 
year's event, and Wake County has added several new datasets to its portal.

Some attendees may arrive with projects under way and looking for input
and assistance from others, and others will turn up just looking for new 
ideas of what to build. Several elected officials and staff from our 
local municipalities have already signed up. Everyone is welcome and 
tickets are FREE.

Triangle Open Data Day is an event staged by local citizens to engage
with our local governments and others in the technical community.  More
information is available at the official website 
[http://triangleopendataday.org] and registration is now open
[http://todd2015.eventbrite.com] !

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