[TriZPUG] Python & Django Classes at Astro Code School

Brian Russell brussell at astrocodeschool.com
Mon Feb 2 18:51:38 CET 2015

Later this year Astro Code School will be offering a twelve week full time program called Python & Django Web Engineering. It’s an intermediate class designed to prepare you for a career in web development. Our school is located in downtown Durham. More details are coming soon. The best way to find out more is by joining our email list. Which you can do at www.astrocodeschool.com <http://www.astrocodeschool.com/>.

In the future we will be offering many different kinds of classes at various knowledge levels and time commitments. Such as Introduction to Python and Django Bootcamps.

The Lead Instructor for our program is TriPython member Caleb Smith. He’s a super qualified teacher and developer. Currently he's teaching a Django class at the UNC School of Journalism.

I’m the Director of Astro Code School and would be happy to answer your questions. Feel free to email me directly or corner me at the next TriPython meet-up.

I’m going to the NCSU FOSS Fair this weekend. Are you?


Astro Code School
brussell at astrocodeschool.com
+1 919.951.0263

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