[TriPython] Fwd: Soft launch of Django Girls RDU!

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Mon Aug 31 23:02:07 CEST 2015


Hi all,

Caktus is pleased to announce the soft launch of Django Girls RDU
<https://djangogirls.org/RDU>, a free one-day Django workshop for women.
First workshop on October 3rd.  Applications due September 4th.

Django Girls has been an international success in training over 1,600
women to build their very first Django site! We had the good fortune to
work with them at PyCon and they're an amazing bunch. Many of you have
gotten a chance to check out their amazing tutorial.

We'd love it if you could help spread the word about the Django Girls
workshop by encouraging your folks to do one of the following:

   * *Apply to be a student. <https://djangogirls.org/RDU/apply/> *Build
     your first Django blog site in a one day workshop for free! No
     experience required.

   * *Apply to be a coach.
     *Spend a day helping others learn Django. Detailed coaching manual
     available and past Django Girl coaches will be there.

   * *Volunteer to review applications. *Not enough time to mentor but
     want to make a difference? Help us select applicants. Email
     durham at djangogirls.org <mailto:durham at djangogirls.org> or
     hao at caktusgroup.com <mailto:hao at caktusgroup.com>

   * *Follow @DjangoGirlsRDU <https://twitter.com/djangogirlsrdu>. *

   * *Recommend financial aid sponsors.* We may have some out of town
     applicants or those that need travel funds. If you know of a
     friendly firm that would be willing to help sponsor a student, that
     would be great! Please email durham at djangogirls.org
     <mailto:durham at djangogirls.org> or hao at caktusgroup.com
     <mailto:hao at caktusgroup.com>.

The official website launch will be Wednesday afternoon. If you'd like
to be included on the website as a community partner, please just let me 
know. Happy to include you in exchange for your promotion help :)

Many thanks,

*Hao Nguyen
*Strategy Director

919-951-0052 x209 <#UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_>
hao at caktusgroup.com <mailto:hao at caktusgroup.com>
www.caktusgroup.com <http://www.caktusgroup.com/>

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