[TriZPUG] TriPython July 2014 Meeting: Trinket.io

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Sat Jul 19 23:56:37 CEST 2014

Reminder: meeting Thursday.

I need a favor. I'm at PyOhio PyCamp. I need someone to volunteer to 
emcee the meeting. That is:

1. Call Caktus the day before the meeting to ensure someone will be 
there to let us in.
2. Start the meeting at 7pm
3. Put tripython.org up on the projector screen
4. Go through the bullet points on the front page:
    a. When and where are meetings
    b. When and where are project nights
    c. Where the maililng list is.
    d. Where the IRC channel is
    e. The various other talking points until it starts to take up too 
much time
    f. Declare an after meeting at Milltown
5. Do round robin introductions:
    a. Your name
    b. Institutional/Occupational affiliation
    c. What you do with Python
6. Introduce the speaker (BTW, Elliot is sending a proxy speaker from 
7. Thank speaker/take questions/Thank speaker again
8. Call for lightning talks
9. Usher crowd to Milltown so Caktus can lock up

Can someobody speak up to help a brother out? You know who you are. 
You've been to a bunch of meetings and seen the spiel too many times. 
You know the formula by heart and you won't skip over on skimp on it. 
You'll be direct in providing direction. Call shotgun.

On 6/30/2014 4:54 PM, Chris Calloway wrote:
> http://tripython.org/Members/tobias/jul-14-mtg
> When: Thursday, July 24, 2014, 7pm
> Where: Caktus Group, 209 Lloyd St, Suite 110, Carrboro, NC
> What: Elliot Hauser, CEO of trinket.io, will demonstrate his Interactive
> Python widget, which enables embedding interactive Python shells into
> websites via Skuplt. As always, spontaneous lightning talks of ten
> minutes or less on other topics are also welcome. Anything you've
> learned about Python, no matter how trivial, can be a lightning talk.
> There's plenty of parking at Caktus and we can walk to nearby
> after-meeting watering holes.


Chris Calloway http://nccoos.org/Members/cbc
office: 3313 Venable Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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