[TriZPUG] Recommend a CMS

Clark, Tom tomclark at shawu.edu
Fri Apr 4 16:08:50 CEST 2014

Last fall, someone on this list mentioned Tarbell<http://tarbell.tribapps.com/>, a Django/Python CMS from the newspaper industry.  Works with Google Spreadsheets to display/edit web pages.    It's beta-at best, I think-and the documentation is a bit sketchy, but it's a great idea.


Tom Clark
SUDS Librarian, Systems Librarian
Shaw University Divinity School
tomclark at shawu.edu<mailto:tomclark at shawu.edu>
919-716-5518 (w)

From: TriZPUG [mailto:trizpug-bounces+tomclark=shawu.edu at python.org] On Behalf Of Jeff Heard
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2014 5:40 PM
To: Triangle (North Carolina) Zope and Python Users Group
Subject: Re: [TriZPUG] Recommend a CMS

Mezzanine. By far the most flexible and complete cms I have used for django and Python...
On Apr 3, 2014 5:26 PM, "Joseph S. Tate" <dragonstrider at gmail.com<mailto:dragonstrider at gmail.com>> wrote:
There's a Pylons based Python CMS that I've worked on in the past: c5t (https://bitbucket.org/percious/c5t/), but it's pretty much abandonware at this point. Fairly unsophisticated end users were able to make changes pretty easily with it. C5t plus varnish was serving 200K hits/hr on a very small VM (1GB RAM IIRC) running on 4yr old hardware two years ago. It featured a simple templating system and page contents stored as HTML in MongoDB and an FTP like file management layer for attachments.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 4:20 PM, Ken MacKenzie <ken at mack-z.com<mailto:ken at mack-z.com>> wrote:
Warning none of these are Python based.

For a past site I used XOOPS (xoops.org<http://xoops.org>).  I would not recommend, but at the time it was a great option.  This is before the ImpressCMS split.

Next I would recommend Drupal.  It is a large target, more flexible than wordpress, and can be as light an install as you might want.  The other great thing about Drupal is multisite is well thought out and setup in it.

The funny thing is though I rarely need such full blown CMS's so things like MODx, and RazorCMS come to mind.  Lately for a lot of small sites that don't really need a DB backend I have been using Get Simple CMS.  I find it to be very web designer friendly as far as template authoring.  Two sites I did with it: www.spiveyscornerband.com<http://www.spiveyscornerband.com> and www.bloodysabbathband.com<http://www.bloodysabbathband.com>.  Nothing super fancy just straightforward with an admin interface even a drummer could understand.


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Joseph Tate

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