[TriZPUG] Recommend a CMS

Leslie Sox leslie.sox at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 21:15:46 CEST 2014

I found an online article about the top free CMS's.
I have used Joomla in the past and it's very easy to set up and has
lots of modules and themes you can add in. It requires lots of CSS
editing to customize. I don't like the blog type layout though.

I found out recently that NC State Government is using Callimachus
http://callimachusproject.org/  It has a web server built in but to me
seemed to have a very long learning curve.

On 4/3/14, Francois Dion <francois.dion at gmail.com> wrote:
> What's your fav CMS and why?
> Just want to get a conversation going on options and how they compare.
> Something that doesn't suck for developers and doesn't suck for end users
> either.
> Francois


Leslie John Sox
Garner, NC
leslie.sox at gmail.com
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