[TriZPUG] identity crisis

John Strickler jstrick at mindspring.com
Thu Sep 5 01:01:09 CEST 2013

Replying to my own post, I want to clarify that what the OP needs is:

import os
full_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)

--John Strickler

On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 6:59 PM, John Strickler <jstrick at mindspring.com>wrote:

> os.getcwd() only reports the current working directory of the script. If
> the script is launched from somewhere else, it reports the "somewhere
> else". That is, if you cd to /tmp, and run /some/where/else/myapp.py,
> getcwd() returns "/tmp", which won't help with Laura's problem.
> I can't make __file__ have a null string on my Linux box, but for all
> other cases you can use os.path.abspath(), which will provide the full path
> given a relative path.
> --John Strickler
> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Steve Gambino <stevegambino at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Laura,
>> import os
>> os.getcwd()  # will return the current working directory
>> Is that what you are looking for?
>> Steve
>> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 5:10 PM, Laura Tateosian <lgtateos at ncsu.edu>wrote:
>>> I'd like to get the path of the current file, so that I can append the
>>> sys.path and then import user-defined modules based on relative paths.
>>> sys.argv[0] can do this. But sometimes it returns just the file base
>>> name or an empty string, depending on how the script is run. The same goes
>>> for __file__
>>> Is there a simple reliable approach for determining the full path file
>>> name of the script I'm inside?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Laura
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