[TriZPUG] Enthought SciPy Class

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Sat Jun 9 00:13:06 CEST 2012

Enthought, the makers of the Enthought Python Distribution (EPD) which 
bundles several scientific analysis and visualization packages into a 
one click-installer, is advertizing a "Python for Scientists and 
Engineers" class in Raleigh, October 15-19, the week before PyCarolinas.

Lauren Johnson at Enthought describes it as, "A five-day intensive 
python session (8:30AM-5PM) with a focus on Python,NumPy, SciPy, 
integration with C/C++, Fortran, visualization and UI development."

The cost is $2500.

The curriculum is posted here:


The location in Raleigh and instructor are TBA. Enthought is soliciting 
suggestions for local classroom locations.

For more information contact info at enthought.com.


Chris Calloway http://nccoos.org/Members/cbc
office: 3313 Venable Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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