[TriZPUG] "Use of the Words 'Variable' and 'Assignment' Considered Harmful in Python"

Tom Roche Tom_Roche at pobox.com
Thu Sep 29 15:33:47 CEST 2011

Chris Calloway Wed, 28 Sep 2011 13:50:36 -0400 (rearranged, desubjunctivized)
> "Use of the Words 'Variable' and 'Assignment' Considered Harmful in
> Python." It's one of my pet peeves and it only got stronger last
> night when binding to an identifier was referred to as "storing in
> memory."

"Variable assignment" is a common informatic idiom, and it *seems* pretty similar to what's happening in

$ python -c 'i=1 ; print i'

no? So ... what's the harm?

> if I had a blog,

You now have a thread :-)

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