[TriZPUG] Python / Django / *.py Jam night -- 27 September 2011 Tuesday at 6 p.m., UNC-CH Room 3204 at Venable-Murray Hall

Josh Johnson josh_johnson at unc.edu
Fri Sep 23 14:43:36 CEST 2011

I couldn't make it to the meeting last night, but I'm getting psyched 
about Tuesday.

Here's some of the stuff I'm going to work on during the jam:

- I've got an uber-buildout-to-end-all-buildouts that needs some 
documentation and expansion (specifically Django+wsgi, and nginx)[1].
- I've kicked around the idea of packing up the proof-of-concept 
buildout extension I wrote that dumps the 'effective' config file[2]
- I've done some work on thechristmaspig[3] to make it more 
buildout-friendly, I need to write tests and submit a pull request
- Then there's Crushinator[4]

If anyone is interested in working on these things, this wekeend I can 
elaborate on what they are, what needs to be done, etc. I'll need to put 
the buildout repo up on github (it's publically available read-only 
until I get redmine up), etc, etc.


[1] http://blitzen-public.med.unc.edu/buildout.base/
[3] https://github.com/jjmojojjmojo/thechristmaspig
[4] https://github.com/jjmojojjmojo/Crushinator

On 9/20/2011 12:01 PM, Chris Calloway wrote:
> On 9/19/2011 5:07 PM, Mark R. Biggers wrote:
> Conference Room 3204 at Venable-Murray Hall
> That's on the campus of UNC Chapel Hill.
> Here's a not-so-great map:
> http://trizpug.org/Members/cbc/mascparkingmap.pdf
> The parking lot is circled in red. After you park in that lot, walk 
> into the bottom floor entrance of the adjacent building. The building 
> is marked "Murray Hall" in big gold letters facing the parking lot. 
> Proceed a few steps through the entrance to the elevators and take one 
> to the third floor. Conference room 3204 is in the lobby as you get 
> off the elevator.
> For the GPS-enabled, the street address for the entrance to the 
> parking lot is 101 South Road, Chapel Hill:
> http://maps.google.com/maps/place?ftid=0x89acc2e8c8ec6719:0xc92e14760b169683&q=101+South+Road,+Chapel+Hill,+NC&hl=en&ved=0CA4Q-gswAA&sa=X&ei=1rd4TsecCaW0iQLQrryZAg&sig2=UJ8ZPTUY2NQ6Umpm8xBzUg 
> Our October meeting will be held in this same building in one of the 
> bottom floor classrooms, and as a result will probably have a 6pm 
> start time as well.

Josh Johnson
Applications Analyst
Translational Pathology Laboratory
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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