[TriZPUG] [newbie] packaging and distribution

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Tue Dec 20 16:33:08 CET 2011

On 12/19/2011 11:27 AM, Tom Roche wrote:
> How to package/distribute a python environment? Specifically:
> My group has a proposal which seems feasible, but that would involve a
> set of remote users of varying computeracy. Our code would require some
> packages from EPD Free, plus a few more from `enpkg`. (No other
> frameworks or web apps involved: this is all client-side.) The code is
> not a problem (famous last words :-) but we don't have much resource for
> support, notably for install handholding. So we'd like to be able to say
> + To install, just download and run<magic here/>
> and have it Just Work, rather than
> - To install,
> - 1 Ensure you have a python version>=<whatever/>.
> - 2 Install EPD from<wherever/>.
> - 3 Install these packages by running `enpkg<package_name/>`:
> -   ...
> What is best practice for accomplishing this sort of thing with minimum pain/effort?


This is a specialized (rather than best practice) problem and is going 
to require some not minimal effort, but...

I believe (at least it was at one time) the build process for the EPD 
installer was open source. I know I have seen the trac/svn for it (back 
when they were asking for help in getting the OSX version working). You 
could modify it to include your code.

For minimal effort, I would contract Enthought to do it for you. That 
would have the added benefit of having Enthought solve all the licensing 
issues for you.


Chris Calloway http://nccoos.org/Members/cbc
office: 3313 Venable Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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