[TriZPUG] PyCon 2010 Video Upload Complete

Tobias McNulty tobias at caktusgroup.com
Fri Mar 19 16:33:10 CET 2010

Wow.  I hope the surgery goes well, Chris. Our thoughts will be with you.

Sent from a mobile phone, please excuse any typos.

On Mar 19, 2010 11:25 AM, "Chris Calloway" <cbc at unc.edu> wrote:

On 3/18/2010 5:00 PM, Joe Gregorio wrote: > > You can use Google Wave!
Account signups are processed...
I'm all for installing Etherpad on trizpug.org if that helps.

Or if someone wants to investigate Pyconpad, go for it. I don't even know
that it is all that important for pyconpad.net to stay up in the long term.
We can use it for a meeting, and then cut and paste the result into
permanent content on trizpug.org after the meeting. Pyconpad is still
letting me create new pads.

All I ask is if we use Google Wave, that Joe give us a talk on it at some
point where we can ask questions in person, because it is not at all
intuitive to me how Wave is supposed to be used. I've been on it for a few
months and it is completely confusing to me as to what use case it is
supposed to be solving. The hour long introductory video about it last year
told me it was going to replace my email. When I logged into it last week,
it told me I could finally get email notifications for changes in my Waves.
I find it more effort than information to follow it. Whereas Etherpad is
just plain straightforward and solves exactly one problem. And is open

Please don't take this as a slam on Google Wave. Apparently, everyone else
in the world except me finds Facebook really useful and usable as well. I
also mocked Twitter when it came out but now I use it. Not a lot. But I find
it useful from time to time.

I'm giving notice now, discuss this as you will at the meeting and whatever
anyone takes initiative for is OK with me. I just found out yesterday,
though, that I won't be at the meeting and may be out of commission for a
few weeks as far as installing anything new on our server. I'm having
emergency eye surgery this afternoon for a detached retina. It is unlikely I
will be able to join you this coming Thursday, much to my regret as I really
want to see the Sauce Labs presentation. I won 2000 free Sauce minutes at
PyCon and it's an extremely sweet tool.

Hey, check this out:


Ya think HugeDomains.com is related to HugeInc.com? Coincidence?

-- Sincerely, Chris Calloway http://www.secoora.org office: 332 Chapman Hall
  phone: (919) 599-...
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