[TriZPUG] TriLUG, Mar 11: Web Security 101 (Re: Python Hack Night Reboot)

Justis Peters justis.peters at gmail.com
Wed Mar 10 22:37:21 CET 2010

Chris Calloway wrote:
> Python Hack Night is tomorrow (Thursday), 6pm, Room 435 Chapman Hall, 
> UNC Campus, Chapel Hill:
I'm excited that we're starting a hack night and sad that I will be 
missing it. I hope that we'll consider having future hack nights some 
time other than the second Thursday of the month, since that's when 
TriLUG (Triangle Linux Users Group) holds their meetings. Both Linux and 
Python are pretty important to me.

Some of you may actually be interested in coming to tomorrow's TriLUG 
meeting, to hear Michael Peters of Plus Three deliver his talk on "Web 
Security 101". Here is a description of his talk, as listed on the 
TriLUG website:

"Security is important in any programming environment but programming 
for the web has some unique possibilities and hazards. Most web 
programmers have little to no training in security and lots of web 
development is done by people who don't wear a full-time developer hat. 
Add to this the fact that bad security on a web project can have very 
public and very embarassing consequences.

This talk will walk through the basics of web security without focussing 
too much on the particular language that you choose (but all examples 
will be in Perl and PHP). We'll also look at various attack vectors (SQL 
Injection, XSS, CSRF, and more) and see how you can avoid them. Whether 
you're an experienced web developer (we all need reminding) or just 
starting out, this talk can help avoid being the next easy harvest of 
The Bad Guys."

The meeting begins at 7pm and is held at RedHat Headquarters on NCSU's 
Centennial Campus. Full meeting details can be found here: 

Kind regards,
Justis Peters

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