[TriZPUG] Want to present on MoinMoin, when are the next couple of meetings?

David Handy david at handysoftware.com
Thu Nov 12 18:34:47 CET 2009

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 11:47:46AM -0500, Chris Calloway wrote:
> If you need to have your laptop hooked to the projector so you can show
> code and run a shell, that's another thing. The host can accommodate. The
> host just needs to know in advance.

Yes, I'd like to have my laptop hooked to the projector so I can demonstrate
installing and running MoinMoin on the laptop. It would be a big plus if I
could also connect my laptop to the internet.

Do we know the host yet for this meeting?

David H

David Handy
Computer Programming is Fun!
Beginning Computer Programming with Python

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