[TriZPUG] informal Triangle Django Users Group starting

J. Cliff Dyer jcd at sdf.lonestar.org
Mon Nov 9 19:35:48 CET 2009

For the record, I like the idea of a TriDjUG.  Zope and Plone are not
very interesting to me, and as a result, I haven't been to many TriZPUG
events, (I did go to Chris Rossi's WSGI talk a few months back).
Personally, I would love to have some place to meet up with other django


On Mon, 2009-11-09 at 13:20 -0500, Tobias McNulty wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Gary Poster <gary.poster at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Is there any chance we could combine these?  I'd personally hate to see a
> > split like this, and would strongly prefer to see, effectively, a unified
> > TriPUG.
> Hi Gary - our intent is certainly not to split off from the main
> Python user group in the area, so I apologize if it came off that
> way(!); we're simply trying to augment what's already here with
> something Django-specific.  I think there's room for both: More formal
> meetings (and less formal socializing too, I'm sure) at Tri(Z)PUG, and
> a smaller subset that is Django users who meet on a less regular and
> less formal basis.
> I'm certainly open to a discussion about how we'd combine them, but
> I'm looking for ways to specifically foster the local Django community
> and I'm not sure TriPUG is the way to do it (for the record, "TriPUG"
> seems to be taken by the PHP folks).  If nothing else, I see TriDjUG
> as a way of bring people in to the broader Python community who might
> not have found it otherwise.  I'd venture a guess that at least a
> small number of Django developers came to Python through Django, and
> not the other way around.
> What about keeping the "TriDjUG" name but somehow grouping it under
> the larger TriZPUG umbrella?
> Thanks for voicing your concerns and I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
> Tobias

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