[TriZPUG] User Group-Free Software Foundation Intern

sarah at fsf.org sarah at fsf.org
Wed Jul 8 21:16:02 CEST 2009

My name is Sarah and I'm interning at the FSF this summer.  One of my
projects is to update/add free software and related user groups to the
libre planet wiki. The mission of the Libre Planet project is to build a
global network of local groups, each of which is working diligently,
professionally, and competently to raise awareness of free software as an
issue of ethics and freedom.  So that the name Libre Planet is strongly
associated with a clear goal, and so that individual groups can cooperate
and collaborate effectively, we ask that all individuals and groups agree
with this set of founding principles. I'm contacting you to encourage you
to post your user group on the website. To hopefully begin to use it as a
useful tool for your group and for others to connect to you.  Feel free to
contact me at sarah at fsf.org if you have questions, problems, whatever. 
Thank you :)


P.S. If you'd like to know more about me go here:

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