[TriZPUG] Plone Viewlet Manager/Theme "tutorial" posted

Josh Johnson jj at email.unc.edu
Thu Feb 5 16:23:50 CET 2009

This past week or so, I published a series of posts on my experiences in 
writing my first Plone theme (and only 3 out of 7 posts made it to 
planet plone). Last night I put them all into one page for easy 
reference (mostly for my own sake but it might be helpful to others)

It can be read like a tutorial. It's not complete since I didn't go 
through the steps of breaking the design out into component images for 
(backgrounds or whatever), but all the python, css, zcml and zpt code is 
there and *should* work if you follow along (and make your own damn images).

Here's the URL: 

I hope this is helpful,

Feedback is always appreciated

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