[TriZPUG] Django development sprint in the Triangle, Dec 12-13

Tobias McNulty tobias at caktusgroup.com
Thu Dec 10 18:44:47 CET 2009

Just a friendly reminder about the Django sprint this weekend in the
Triangle.  If you haven't already, don't forget to RSVP so we can plan
food, drinks, etc. accordingly:


Hope to see you there!


On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Tobias McNulty <tobias at caktusgroup.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just wanted to let you know that we'll be hosting a local Django Development
> sprint in the Triangle area of North Carolina next weekend (Dec 12 and 13).
> A development sprint is an excuse to get together, write some code, and have
> a good time doing it.  The purpose of this sprint will be to help finish
> features and push out bug fixes in preparation for the Django 1.2 release.
> If you're interested in coming to work on other open source Django-based
> projects, that's welcome too.
> We'll be meeting in Carrboro Creative Coworking (205 Lloyd St, Carrboro, NC
> 27510) and we'll be there to open the doors at 9am both days.
> For more information, please check out the corresponding wiki page and RSVP
> via Eventbrite if you're interested:
> http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/Sprint200912TriangleNC
> http://django-triangle-dec-09.eventbrite.com/
> We have a couple sponsors so far, but there's still room for more, so check
> out the sponsors section of the wiki and add yourself (or your company) if
> you'd like to bring something.
> Hope to see you there!
> Cheers,
> Tobias

Tobias McNulty
Caktus Consulting Group, LLC
P.O. Box 1454
Carrboro, NC 27510
(919) 951-0052

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