[TriZPUG] Hello and Test Message

Ken MacKenzie ken at mack-z.com
Thu Oct 9 19:38:23 CEST 2008

Hello there, just making sure my new subscription to this list is "all
good".  I am an experienced programmer in numerous languages however a
new programmer when it comes to Python.  Anyway my name is Ken and
just wanted to say hello in this first paragraph.

Now to the second paragraph.  I am looking for some information,
documentation, examples, etc for talking to U2 databases, particularly
Unidata with Python.  I say the pyCDF module out there, not clear if
that is what I need.  If anyone has anything to point me in the right
direction I would much appreciate it.  I am looking to do some quick
reporting and analysis tools for a set of business operations I
support and I think Python will work well for this.

Thanks in advance,

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