[TriZPUG] Nov / Dec TriZPUG Meeting

Philip Semanchuk philip at semanchuk.com
Tue Nov 11 16:31:58 CET 2008

On Nov 10, 2008, at 11:08 AM, Chris Calloway wrote:

> On 11/10/2008 9:54 AM, Philip Semanchuk wrote:
>> I'm not sure what a lightning talk is, but on Dec 4th I'll be  
>> available to talk about the IPC modules I support (posix_ipc and  
>> shm).
> Please, yes. I'm all down with Dec 4th, then.
> A lightning talk is where someone spends five minutes sharing  
> something they learned about Python in the last month.
> Normally at PyCon and other software conferences there will be a  
> lightning talk sign-up sheet for each day so that the last hour of  
> the day will have 12 lightning talk slots presented more or less  
> extemporaneously. They don't generally require any preparation.  
> Usually the best things about Python and other similar conferences  
> are the lightning talks.
> We've been promoting lightning talks at TriZPUG meetings for awhile  
> because they get more people involved in telling us about what  
> they've been doing with Python. If there is no other program at a  
> TriZPUG meeting, then the meeting could be all lightning talks. A  
> meeting with ten lightning talks is a pretty interesting meeting. If  
> there is a program at a TriZPUG meeting, there is still time for  
> lightning talks because lightning talks are short.
> I think what you've done with IPC merits a bit more than a lightning  
> talk. Your IPC modules qualify as a program presentation. Take as  
> long as you'd like to talk about them.

OK, GREAT! I LOVE to talk! I'll spend the first hour talking about a  
history of computers, then a brief survey of modern programming  
languages (I should be able to keep this under two hours), and then a  
list of my favorite Monty Python sketches (four hours), and then...

Seriously, would 30 minutes give or take 15 be an appropriate length  
for a presentation? Can I get the screen of my Macbook Pro projected  
onto a big screen, or...?


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