[TriZPUG] last night's TriZPUG meeting at Duke N. Pavilion - a good one

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Fri May 23 19:01:25 CEST 2008

On 5/23/2008 11:10 AM, Josh Johnson wrote:
> Chris, are there slides for the data maps presentation?

It wasn't actually a presentation. WebDAV on trizpug.org was giving me 
problems 30 minutes before the meeting when I was trying to upload the 
IRC slides. So I switched to secoora.org where the WebDAV was more 
cooperative. At the meeting I started to go to my IRC slides which were 
on secoora.org. I was stopped at the front page of secoora.org with a 
question about what that site is. I spent five minutes showing some of 
the features and answering questions about it. So, no slides, sorry. It 
wasn't planned. It was one of those, "so what are you doing there with 
Python?" extemporaneous lightning talks.

And if you don't come to the meeting, well, you pretty much miss those. :)

BTW, I will be at the beach during our regularly scheduled TriZPUG 
meeting on June 26 when UNC is supposed to host. I would like to find 
someone to handle the meeting. Phillip 328 is available in which to meet 
as usual.


Chris Calloway
office: 332 Chapman Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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