[TriZPUG] TriZPUG meeting this Thursday, May 22

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Wed May 21 17:30:43 CEST 2008

On 5/20/2008 8:05 PM, Mike Revoir wrote:
> Hello everyone. Our next meeting is this Thursday at Duke, but we have no
> one signed up to give a presentation. Does anyone have a pocket presentation
> or pet project they'd like to share?

Josh Johnson and I are going to do some IRC basics coaching by popular 
request, I think. That should take up at least half an hour.

We may have a guest scientist, if I can persuade him to take some time 
out of his very busy schedule this week, to talk about how he uses pyNGL 
(pronounced "pingle") and pyGMT model output of cod larvae transport.

If there is time and interest after that, I could show how I helped a 
scientist last week using pyNIO and pyDAP to consolidate HYCOM ( HYbrid 
Coordinate Ocean Model http://hycom.rsmas.miami.edu/) model output for 
the North Atlantic into another model output format called ROMS 
(Regional Ocean Modeling System http://www.myroms.org/) for input into 
yet a third model to do sea turtle modeling.

Lightning talks encouraged. Show up and tell us what you've been doing 
with Python, the super-productive "get 'er done fast" prototyping 
language. "Science, not software."

People are registering for BootCampArama now. Thanks!


Chris Calloway
office: 332 Chapman Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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