[triangle-zpug] Last Night Recap

Josh Johnson josh_johnson at unc.edu
Wed Mar 26 18:38:26 CET 2008

Since nobody showed up, or everybody got lost using my completely wrong 
directions, except me and Lee, I figured I'd give ya'll a quick rundown 
on Lee's presentation.

I tried to get VLC broadcasting to work, and I got close, but nobody on 
the IRC channel could view it (and I managed to crash a mac in the 
process :))

1. Structural Engineering is RAD :)
2. Lee's use of Data Turbine was inspiring 
(http://rbnb.creare.com/rbnb/index.html). Very cool tech!
3. COM sucks, but it's a beautiful thing, for sure... (He's using COM in 
python to talk to data acquisition software)

I'm sure Lee can fill in some of the finer details.

We all need to prod Lee to put his slides up online somewhere. He's got 
some embedded video (very cool embedded video of tests in progress), so 
it's not as easy as just saving it to HTML, but he should really do it, 
it was a great presentation... that you all missed, and should be 
kicking yourselves over. ;)

We didn't talk about meeting days. Personally, I have trouble with 
Wednesdays only because I occasionally (once every 4 or 6 weeks) play 
Texas Hold'em with some friends of mine on Wednesday nights (not a big 


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