[triangle-zpug] plone login script question

Stephanie Thirolle stepht at duke.edu
Fri Jan 4 19:55:43 CET 2008

Hi All,
    I'm a relative newbie to plone and have been experimenting with some 
folder-dependent skin switching and have run into a login script 
problem.  I've got my new skin displaying properly but in the process 
have broken the login script.  Plone seems to be disabling it.  Any 
thoughts as to why and what I can do to fix it would be greatly appreciated.

The site(s) in question are:

where www.nicholas.duke.edu/blog/login_form displays correctly


www.nicholas.duke.edu/blog/hawaii (new skin)
where www.nicholas.duke.edu/blog/hawaii/login_form displays without the 
actual form and gives a message about cookie-based login

I've tried altering the login_form template without success.

We're running Plone 2.5 on zeo and I have all the skin-specific files 
for /hawaii/ in the hawaii folder.  It's probably worth noting that the 
login form worked properly when we tired to use an External 
Method/Access Rule to switch skins -- we abandoned that b/c it wouldn't 
resolve correctly on our zeo setup.

Stephanie Thirolle

Stephanie Thirolle
Nicholas Webmaster
stepht at duke.edu

!!please note new numbers!!



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