[triangle-zpug] FYI - mailman host is moving

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Mon Sep 24 21:59:14 CEST 2007

T. Bryan wrote:
> Just an FYI for the group.  This mailing list has been kindly hosted by the 
> folks who run http://starship.python.net/ since the start of the group many 
> years ago.  The domain will be moved to a different machine at a different 
> hosting company before the end of the month.  The hope is that the move will 
> happen without a glitch, but there is a window of time during the last week 
> of September or the first week of October where someone might mess up a DNS 
> change or configure mailman incorrectly on the new host.
> As a further aside, as Python has grown, there is less need in the Python 
> community for http://starship.python.net/.  It was founded by Christian 
> Tsimer at a time when few hosting companies provided Python.  It was 
> intended to be a place where the community could show off all of the cool 
> things people could do with Python.  Since it's now much easier to find 
> Python and even Plone hosting providers and since the software world now 
> knows how cool Python is, the long term existence of 
> http://starship.python.net/ is in some doubt.  I don't think that it will go 
> away any time soon, but it might be good for TriZPUG to look around for 
> another mailing list host.  Maybe we could run Mailman on trizpug.org. 
> Anyway, it might be a good idea to migrate the list in the next year or two. 
>   In any case, it's probably good to have a contingency plan for the list so 
> that we don't have to scramble if we get word that 
> http://starship.python.net/ is going away at some point.


Thank you for being the contact for this for so very long.

I'm going to apply to get us hosted on python.org.

I copied the member list from


It shows there are 2 private digested members not shown and 1 private 
non-digested member not shown. I guess there is no way to find out who 
those private members are and they will just have to rejoin?


Chris Calloway
office: 332 Chapman Hall   phone: (919) 962-4323
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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