[Tracker-discuss] Jython tracker

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Wed Feb 13 19:40:40 CET 2013

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 1:20 PM, fwierzbicki at gmail.com <
fwierzbicki at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just in case this ends up being a repeat:
> I sent a couple of emails here, but just realized I used an email
> address that is not subscribed and so they probably never reached the
> list. There where two, one was asking for help as I think adding
> versions is currently broken for the Jython tracker (which is my fault
> as I am supposed to be the maintainer these days) but then I had what
> I hope is a better idea:
> Proposal: Jython to use the same tracker as CPython
> ==========================================
> I think the problems I've been having with Jython's tracker stem from
> it drifting as roundup is upgraded for python-dev. Outside of the fact
> that I'm a crappy maintainer of Jython's tracker here are some
> justifications for us sharing the same tracker:
> * In the 3.x timeframe, we plan to push all of our *.py code into the
> CPython standard library. I have the support of many core devs on
> this, it just hasn't been done in a systematic way yet. I've already
> done this for a couple of files (for example see
> http://bugs.python.org/issue16886) but I plan to see that all of our
> .py files get pushed as Jython moves to 3.x. Since half of Jython's
> code will live in the CPython repo anyway, why not use the same
> tracker?
> * It would be better for Jython in general if we followed CPython's
> development style more closely, with code reviews etc. It would be
> essential for us to do this with code that actually lives in CPython's
> standard library anyway.
> * The database of who has signed a contributor agreement is clear in
> bugs.python.org, but is not in bugs.jython.org, and it would probably
> be too much work to sync them.
> * The implementation effort would be small (really just add "Jython
> 2.5" and "Jython 2.7" to the Versions field and later "Jython 3.4" or
> whatever version we end up targeting). I also don't see a need to
> migrate the data from bugs.jython.org - we could just slowly re-direct
> people to http:/bugs.python.org on a bug-by-bug basis until traffic to
> htttp://bugs.jython.org gets slow enough, then we could either shut it
> down or leave it up read-only.

I quickly looked at the Jython bug tracker and there are 355 open bugs and
they seem to average activity (not necessarily new bugs) on 4 issues/day.

> What do you folks think? I have not discussed this with current Jython
> devs yet, as I'd prefer to be sure that it would be acceptable here first.

I can't wait until the first person clicks Jython 2.7 when they meant
CPython 2.7. =)

I'm fine with it due to the low volume, but people who subscribe to the
various bug lists might not love the increased volume (although the volume
does seem very small).
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