[Tracker-discuss] SPAMBAYES_URI (Was: Call for volunteers to help maintain bugs.python.org's issue tracker)

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Sat Feb 23 23:22:59 CET 2008

    Martin> If you comment out spambayes_uri, you get a roundup error saying
    Martin> Edit Error: Unsupported configuration option: SPAMBAYES_URI

in instances/spambayes_integration/detectors/spambayes.py you should
probably change the dict access from

    spambayes_uri = db.config.detectors['SPAMBAYES_URI']

to something like

        spambayes_uri = db.config.detectors['SPAMBAYES_URI']
    except KeyError, e:
        return (False, str(e))

though I'm not sure just what kind of object db.config.detectors is.
Hopefully it raises KeyError, but it might raise something else.

    Martin> If you set it to an empty string, you get
    Martin> IOError: unsupported XML-RPC protocol

If you want the empty string to be a valid value for spambayes_uri, then
change the ServerProxy() call from

    server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(spambayes_uri, verbose=False)


        server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(spambayes_uri, verbose=False)
    except IOError, e:
        return (False, str(e))


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