[Tracker-discuss] Call for volunteers to help maintain bugs.python.org's issue tracker

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Wed Feb 20 07:55:07 CET 2008

On Feb 19, 2008 8:48 PM, Terry Poulin <bigboss64 at ippimail.com> wrote:
> Call for volunteers to help maintain bugs.python.org's issue tracker
> From:
> Brett Cannon <brett at python.org>
>   Date:
> Monday 18 February 2008 17:52:51
>   To:
> Python Tracker-discuss <tracker-discuss at python.org>
>   Groups:
> comp.lang.python
> The Python Software Foundation's infrastructure committee is looking
> for volunteers to help maintain the Roundup issue tracker installed
> for http://bugs.python.org. Responsibilities revolve around
> maintaining the Roundup installation itself (tracker schema, modifying
> the installed copy of Roundup, etc.) and the occasional database work
> (changes to the database, etc.).
> You do not have to be an expert at Roundup to volunteer! You can learn
> "on the job" by doing offline development and submitting patches until
> you are of a proper level of experience to gain commit access to the
> code (which can be seen at XXX). If you still have a New Years
> resolution to help Python out this is a great way to fulfill the
> promise you made yourself for 2008!
> If you are interested in volunteering, please email tracker-discuss at
> python.org. Thanks to all who have helped with the tracker already and
> those that will in the future!
> -Brett Cannon
> Chairman, PSF infrastructure committee
> ###########################################
> I don't know if I could be helpful enough to warrant the time for it but I
> would like to learn more to see if there is any thing I could help with.

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