[Tracker-discuss] issue tracker for Roundup (the project) itself ?

Izak Burger izak at upfrontsystems.co.za
Tue Nov 6 08:09:43 CET 2007

Erik Forsberg wrote:
> I also see it as neccesary that all trackers run the same anti-spam
> measures as bugs.python.org and the meta tracker. One tracker should
> not be able to get the IP of psf.upfronthosting.co.za blacklisted. Just
> as we can run a central postgresql instance, we can run a central
> spambayes XMLRPC server instance.

It is easy to bind another ip to the same virtual host.  What I am 
unsure about is how you'd tell postfix to bind to a specific ip when it 
sends mail for a specific domain. This is the difficult bit, as the ip 
you connect FROM is the one that gets blacklisted, so it is not as 
simple as just pointing the MX records at the right ip. Some research is 
required in this department.

Everything else seems in order though.  We can simply run the new 
tracker as a different user in a different home directory. The apache 
bit will still run as www-data though, but it will forward to the 
correct roundup-server instance of course. I doubt this will be a 
problem, apache is really very very stable.


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