[Tracker-discuss] Feature/Change request handling procedure

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Sun Nov 26 16:39:31 CET 2006

Stefan Seefeld wrote:
> Stefan Seefeld wrote:
>> Well, by default, <issue> in roundup is spelled <issue_class_name><id>
>> i.e. 'issue35', or 'bug266'. If you don't want that we have to play with
>> apache rewrite rules.
> Oh, and the same name appears in mail subject lines (and is required
> for replies to the tracker to be dispatched properly).
> So, the issue class name and id will be visible to users.

Then I vote for "issue" instead of "bug".

(As a side, note, it would be nice to have http://bugs.python.org/12345
as the URI of an issue.)


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