[Tracker-discuss] Privacy

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Mon Dec 4 00:01:13 CET 2006

I see that email addresses are visible to everybody in the tracker,
and also occur in the body of the email messages.

I know some people are extremely shy to make their email address appear
on a web page, so I think we should do what is possible to comfort them.
At a minimum, the email addresses shouldn't be displayed on the web
site, except for people who have proper permission.

SF solves this entire issue by given each user an account on their
system and an email address. I don't know how difficult it would be
to implement such a feature in the roundup installation. Users could
use a "fake" email address <user>@bugs.python.org, and have mail to
that forwarded to their real email address. Then the fake address
could be used in email messages, so it won't appear in archives
of the bug list.

Alternatively, it might be sufficient to give users a choice of
suppressing their email address in generated email messages.


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