[Tkinter-discuss] Force tkinter to use another fixed font

Sibylle Koczian nulla.epistola at web.de
Wed Jul 22 12:36:16 EDT 2020

Am 21.07.2020 um 18:30 schrieb Paul Malherbe:
> Hi
> ttk.Entry and ttk.Label use TkDefaultFont therefore changing TkFixedFont
> will not work.
Thank you for making me look at this - it's even worse: ttk.Label uses
TkDefaultFont, ttk.Entry uses TkTextFont. So that's definitely not the
right way.

> use
> style.configure("TLabel", font=yourfont)
> style.configure("TEntry", font=yourfont)
That's exactly the method I'd like to avoid: even a small to middling
application will use more than two different widget classes, and every
single one of them would need a separate call to style.configure. Every
change of the chosen font would have to be repeated for every widget class.

I had hoped that a style defined for the base class would be inherited
by subclasses, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Will try next with setting a font for the Tk() instance.


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