[Tkinter-discuss] ttk styles - is it possible to have one per widget?

Michael Lange klappnase at web.de
Sat Nov 23 12:02:07 EST 2019


On Fri, 22 Nov 2019 16:00:07 +0000
Mike Barnett <mike_barnett at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hmmm... I didn't see am email go out for this.  Did anyone get this
> email?

sure :)

> What I am trying to do is "style" ttk widgets in a way that each one
> can have their own unique settings.  I've not found code or pseudo-code
> that does what I'm looking for.
> Is it possible for ttk widgets to work like tk widgets in that each can
> have their own unique settings like background color, text color, etc?

You can do this by defining custom styles that inherit their
properties from the widget's default style and set some or other
properties to custom values, as for example:

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk

style = ttk.Style()
style.configure('my.TButton', background='red')
style.configure('myOther.TButton', background='blue')
ttk.Button(root, style='my.TButton', text='foo').pack()
ttk.Button(root, style='myOther.TButton', text='bar').pack()


I hope this helps


.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

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