[Tkinter-discuss] Python 3.4.0 alpha 2 available

Russell E. Owen rowen at uw.edu
Tue Sep 24 23:09:36 CEST 2013

In article <5240F7E1.3000508 at codebykevin.com>,
 Kevin Walzer <kw at codebykevin.com> wrote:

> On 9/23/13 3:49 PM, Russell E. Owen wrote:
> > I have not yet tried to come up with a minimal bit of code that shows
> > the problem, but it sounds as if perhaps I should.
> That would be helpful. It's hard to tell what's going on with just the 
> crashlog.
> --Kevin

Here you go. The appended code crashes when I push the button.
If I don't mess with the menu bar then it does not crash. 

-- Russell

#!/usr/bin/env python

import Tkinter
import tkFont

root = Tkinter.Tk()

parentMenu = Tkinter.Menu(root)
mnu = Tkinter.Menu(parentMenu, name="apple", tearoff=0)
parentMenu.add_cascade(label = "TUI", menu = mnu)

labelWdg = Tkinter.Label(root)

font = tkFont.Font()
labelWdg.option_add("*Button.font", font)

def changeFont():

btn = Tkinter.Button(root, text="Change Font", command=changeFont)
root["menu"] = parentMenu


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