[Tkinter-discuss] confused on grid positioning vs. imports

Monte Milanuk memilanuk at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 17:18:16 CET 2013

Bryan Oakley <bryan.oakley <at> gmail.com> writes:

> My advice:
> Always do it this way:
>     import Tkinter as tk
>     import ttk
> There! Now there's no global namespace pollution, and everything's
> accessible. Plus, it becomes immediately clear whether you're using
> ttk widgets or tkinter widgets: ttk..Button(...) or tk.Button(...).
> Your code becomes more self documenting. Also, if you switch to
> python3 you have to change just the imports and everything should
> continue to work.

I had considered this... but was concerned that it might cause some
confusion with widgets having similar names such as 'tk.foo()' and
'ttk.foo()'.  I'll have to give it a try and see how it feels in

> As for the constants, with this scheme you would use tk.BOTH, etc.
> Personally I'm in favor of never using the constants; I see no value
> in them. These things truly are constants in the underlying tk
> plumbing, so you can just use the literal string "both', "n", etc
> rather than the constants. There's simply no need to use a constant
> named BOTH when you can use "both".  Plus, isn't "nsew" better than
> N+S+E+W?

I'm a little fuzzy here on exactly what you mean by 'constants'...
I thought 'both', S+E, etc. were parameters for a function call, not

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