[Tkinter-discuss] Strange 'tate' option in ttk.Treeview.heading

Alejandro Autalan alejandroautalan at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 15:57:19 CEST 2013

2013/4/11 Jeff Epler <jepler at unpythonic.net>:
> This is an upstream bug in Tk which appears to still be present in their
> development version.  There's supposed to be a "-state" property of
> treeview columns, but the "-" is missing.  Python always removes the
> first character in its configure-type interfaces, so you get "tate"
> Compare the definition of "-text" to "state" at lines 296 and 308:
> http://tktoolkit.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tktoolkit/tk/generic/ttk/ttkTreeview.c?revision=1.41&view=markup#l295
> $ wish8.5
> % ttk::treeview .t -columns A
> .t
> % .t heading 0
> -text {} -image {} -anchor center -command {} state {}
> % .t heading 0 -state {}
> unknown option "-state"
> % .t heading 0 state {}
> %
> I did not immediately find a bug about this in the tktoolkit bug
> tracker.  Please consider filing one if you hope for it to be fixed.
> http://sourceforge.net/search/?group_id=12997&type_of_search=artifact&group_artifact_id=112997&limit=25&q=treeview
> Jeff

Hello, Jeff

Thanks for the answer.

I was curious about where that option was coming from because it is
not documented (at least I don't see it at

I will try to fill a bug report  when I finish my little experiment.

Alejandro A.

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