[Tkinter-discuss] loop delay

Paul Simon psimon at sonic.net
Mon Oct 22 05:39:59 CEST 2012

Thank you!  Just what I was looking for and will have to re-read the documentation.  Sorry about the indents:  Copying from linux to windows sometimes does some strange things and although I tried to fix it...

  "Lynn Oliver" <raycores at gmail.com> wrote in message news:7BF8A3B5-45A3-499C-89C8-34F1EC25103A at gmail.com...
  Maybe the idle loop needs to run so things get done.  Try calling update_idletasks().  Be nice to have some indents...


  On Oct 21, 2012, at 3:31 PM, Paul Simon <psimon at sonic.net> wrote:

    I' m a novice python programmer and now starting to learn tkinter for a 
    front and db back end to replace an application written MS Access/VBA.  The 
    following program doesn't work as I expected as data is not written to the 
    text box until the def is exited.  If I include a print statement with the 
    increment it is printed.

    Any suggestions are welcome.

    from Tkinter import *

    from time import sleep

    def count (event):

    #while n < 2:

    for n in range(2):

    print str(n)

    text_button.insert(2.0, str(n))

    sleep (2)

    root = Tk()


    frame = Frame(root,bg="red", width=100,height=100)

    text_button = Text(frame,fg ="green",bg="blue",height=1,width=7)



    quit_button = Button(frame, text="QUIT",fg="red", command=root.destroy)





    Paul Simon

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