[Tkinter-discuss] Can't configure ttk.Entry font

Michael Lange klappnase at web.de
Wed Nov 28 13:47:24 CET 2012

Hi John,

On Tue, 27 Nov 2012 22:30:16 -0700 (MST)
"John W. Shipman" <john at nmt.edu> wrote:

> Below my signature is a trivial ttk script with two widgets: an
> Entry and a quit button.  Styling the font on the quit button
> works great.  But styling the font on the Entry widget does not;
> I always get the default font, which is a bit small for many
> people over the age of 40.
> I've tried a number of things, but either I'm missing something
> really stupid in my code, or there is a defect in the ttk.Entry
> code that it does not pick up a font.
> Here's our version:
> >>> tk.__version__
> '$Revision: 81008 $'
> >>> ttk.__version__
> '0.3.1'

here (debian squeeze) it is the same, however if I change your example
a little into:

         self._entry = ttk.Entry(self,
             font=('helvetica', '30'), textvariable=self._entryVar)

the requested font is actually used. I guess this is a bug in man
ttk_entry, which does not mention the font configuration option.
Now when I try:


the result is

	{'padding': 1, 'relief': 'sunken', 'fieldbackground': 'white'}





So apparently the default entry style does not define a font at all, but
the ttk entry uses a standard tk font instead and ignores fonts defined
in styles.



.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

	"That unit is a woman."
	"A mass of conflicting impulses."
		-- Spock and Nomad, "The Changeling", stardate 3541.9

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