[Tkinter-discuss] Tkinter vs Tk strangness

Daniel.Schep at srnl.doe.gov Daniel.Schep at srnl.doe.gov
Wed Oct 20 14:19:59 CEST 2010

Your suggestion of ActivePython worked. Since I wanted to stick to the 
Python.org Python distribution I just installed it with out Tcl/Tk and 
copied the relevant bits over from the ActivePython install.

From:   Michael Lange <klappnase at web.de>
To:     tkinter-discuss at python.org
Date:   10/19/2010 04:39 PM
Subject:        Re: [Tkinter-discuss] Tkinter vs Tk strangness
Sent by:        
tkinter-discuss-bounces+daniel.schep=srnl.doe.gov at python.org


Thus spoketh Daniel.Schep at srnl.doe.gov 
unto us on Tue, 19 Oct 2010 15:48:09 -0400:

> I've tested Python2.7 and it exhibits the same problems so it must not 
> ship with a new enough version of Tcl either.

As far as I see, Python2.7 still comes with Tk8.5.2 .

> What are my options? If I'm not mistaken I can't just swap the version
> of Tcl used by Python, but building Python from source (on windows)
> seems like a headache. Is it possible to rebuild just Tkinter with a
> different version of Tcl somehow?

I agree, I think building python on windows is not trivial.

So I think, if you don't want to build Python from sources (which seems
to me a lot of work for such a tiny bug), your options seem to be:

Downgrade to Python2.5, if you don't depend on some new Python2.6
features   or
Try ActivePython, maybe they have a more current Tk version included    or
Try a step ahead into the future to Python3, maybe there's a newer Tk
version included     or
Try to live with it; if this is the only problem you have with your
Python version this is what I'd do (remember, if it's really an
already fixed Tk bug, time is on your side :)



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