[Tkinter-discuss] OptionMenu Cannot Receive Keyboard Focus?

Lowe, Paul J (AS) paul.lowe at ngc.com
Wed May 26 19:06:33 CEST 2010


I've made a Tkinter gui composed of labels, entries, and optionmenus.

When I enter data on the keyboard and use the tab key to switch to the
next widget in the GUI, it always skips the OptionMenus entirely. For
example, if I have a GUI composed of an entry, an optionmenu, and
another entry, in that order, if I type text in the first entry, then
hit the tab key, the cursor will go straight to the other text entry -
skipping the optionmenu entirely.

Has anyone else observed this phenomenon? Is there a workaround? Is it a
formally documented bug?

Kindest Regards and Thank You,

Paul Lowe
Simulation Engineer
Northrop-Grumman Corporation, Aerospace Systems, CWIN
Telephone: (858) 618-4499
San Diego (Rancho Bernardo), California, USA

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