[Tkinter-discuss] Tkinter (IDLE) freeze when I try to use ttk

Michael O'Donnell michael.odonnell at uam.es
Sun Jul 11 18:01:59 CEST 2010

Hi all,

>> As far as I know this is just because IDLE is written in tkinter. So if you try to run another
> tkinter application from IDLE, the two mainloop() calls interfere with each other. You should be
> able to run console applications from IDLE, but with tkinter applications you can develop them
> using IDLE but run them from a console (or whatever is used as a console on a Mac). It's
> nothing to do with the Python version or with ttk and I doubt it can be called a bug.

  I don't understand this, I have been running my tkinter based
applications from within IDLE for years, on Mac, PC or Linux.
Am I misunderstanding something?

My biggest problems with IDLE on the Mac have been when python has
been compiled against one version of the tcl/tk libraries
but python is finding a different version of tcl/tk. Sometimes I
have needed to recompile python from sources. Other times I have
installed the asked-for version of tcl from ActiveState.

Try running idle from a terminal window. That way you can see the
error message when idle crashes. May suggest that the wrong tcl
is installed.


On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Cameron Laird <Cameron at phaseit.net> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 10:07:30AM +0200, Sibylle Koczian wrote:
>                        .
>                        .
>                        .
>> Von: Guido Carballo-Guerrero <charras at me.com>
>> >No my problem is that I can't use Python's IDLE. Well, I can only open one window at a time. If I try to open a new window to make a program, Python freeze. Some curios, if that if I don't have Python open, and double click on a program, Python opens the IDLE and the program in to separate windows without a problem, but when I try to run the program it freeze.
>> >
>> >I guess that this is a bug somewhere in the ttk implementation, or in Python. Do you guys have any idea how can I solve this? Or have anybody update Python to 2.7, and use ttk on a Mac? If so, please let me know how you manage to do it.
>> >
>> As far as I know this is just because IDLE is written in tkinter. So if you try to run another tkinter application from IDLE, the two mainloop() calls interfere with each other. You should be able to run console applications from IDLE, but with tkinter applications you can develop them using IDLE but run them from a console (or whatever is used as a console on a Mac). It's nothing to do with the Python version or with ttk and I doubt it can be called a bug.
>                        .
>                        .
>                        .
> If one is clever and motivated, it's possible to code a Tkinter
> application in a way that permits it to be run (apparently)
> within IDLE.  I don't think I've ever seen it documented well
> ...  All that Sibylle Koczian writes is true, though, and, in
> particular, a conventional Tkinter application simply is incom-
> patible with IDLE.
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