[Tkinter-discuss] Tips for using Tkinter in non-US locales and/or locale module integration with Tkinter Entry widgets

python at bdurham.com python at bdurham.com
Fri Dec 10 16:23:37 CET 2010

I noticed there are a lot of non-US developers on this list. I'm
looking for tips on using Tkinter in non-US locales.

In particular:

1. Are there any Unicode or font specific issues to be concerned

2. Are you using the locale module to control how you display or
parse data moving into and out of Entry widgets? (has anyone
wrapped the Entry widget with locale aware code?)

3. Are you using gettext with Tkinter and if so, are there any
tips or traps to watch for? (I think gettext integration should
be seamless, but didn't think it would hurt to confirm this)

Thank you (gracias, danke, merci, grazie, muito obrigado, tusen
takk, spasibo balshoye, duizend maal dank, ... etc)

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