[Tkinter-discuss] Forcing a window to update with while loop running

Cameron Laird Cameron at phaseit.net
Thu Jun 18 23:50:33 CEST 2009

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 03:58:36PM -0500, Adam Kadzban wrote:
> Thanks Cameron.  I realize actually having something that works is good,
> however the "...do stuff..." in my code is controlling an xray beam taking
> pictures on a CCD, so I want it to be as streamlined as possible.  I'll dig
> through that wiki article though, and maybe take a look at threads.
I repeat:  others have traveled the same path (well, maybe not
with X-rays).  <URL:
http://bytes.com/groups/python/623383-use-threads-tkinter-event-loop >
is typical.

My personal favorite is to use after(); here's an example you'll
probably prefer to the Wiki page I earlier sent:  <URL:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/459083/how-do-you-run-your-own-code-alongside-tkinters-event-loop >.  

We need more of our own Wiki pages; <URL: 
http://tkinter.unpy.net/wiki/ProgressMeter?highlight=(after) >
is the closest we currently have to your situation.

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