[Tkinter-discuss] Passing arguments to command in button.bind.

jkv jkv at unixcluster.dk
Tue Jul 28 14:04:52 CEST 2009


Im playing around with Tkinter and cant figure out how to pass arguments
to a def which are called when pressing a button.
When i bind to self.newdestination('whatever') the def is called (with
arguments) as soon as the button is drawn, whereas when i bind to
self.newdestination the function is called when i press the button - but
obviously without any arguments

Any hints?


class guiclass(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = Tkinter.Tk()
        self.root.title('MAIN WINDOW')
    def config(self):
        self.configwindow = Tkinter.Toplevel()

        row = 0
        optiondict = {}
        #config_test.config.items('options') contains a dict from
        for option, value in config_test.config.items('options'):
            #these two print statements are just for debugging...
            print option
            print value

            Tkinter.Label(self.configwindow, text=str(option) + ': ',
anchor='w').grid(column=1, row=row, sticky='w')
            Tkinter.Label(self.configwindow, text=str(value),
anchor='w').grid(column=2, row=row, sticky='w')
            optiondict[option] = Tkinter.Button(self.configwindow,
text='Change destination')
            optiondict[option].grid(column=3, row=row)
            #When this button is pressed i want to pass a string to
self.newdestination('this is a string i want to pass'))
            row = row + 1
        self.configwindow.title('Configuration window')

    def newdestination(self, test):
        #print the string if passed...
        print test
        #bah = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(parent=self.configwindow,
title='Choose savefile')

--- code ---


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