[Tkinter-discuss] Running system calls through TKinter

AbsoluteMatt mattx_13 at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 30 14:59:39 CET 2009

Hi All,

I have been writing a little app in python/tkinter to allow non technical
users at my office setup/restore manipulate Oracle databases. I am using
cx_Oracle plugin as well.

The app works fine at the moment, doing everything I want it to. However
when it comes to importing a db I am just using imp.exe and dpimp.exe
basically making external system calls to run it. I know this is not ideal
and I should probably be using popen etc, but I am not to sure on how to get
it working. I tried a while ago and it broke more than it fixed so I paniced
and went back to good old command prompt method.

I want to be able to view the output of an oracle import in realtime, anyone
that has seen imp/exp knows that when running on command line you can see
the tables importing as they import line by line. Ideally I would like to
have a "process" tab on my tkinter app rather than a seperate DOS prompt
running the command, where you can see this execution.

I cant remember exactly what I tried before, but I think it involved using
popen and stdout and then printing stdout. However when I did it like this
it used to print out output in bulk blocks not nicely one line at a time. 

So.... Is there anyway to embed a command window inside a tkinter window, or
does anyone know a way of outputting system calls in to a tkinter window in
realtime, one line at a time.

I think I have explained my problem really badly, so sorry. I have searched
online and all I seem to get is the same use popen. Maybe I don't understand
the popen stuff well enough, but its time for another shot. This little DOS
prompt by the side of my app is getting on my nerves. 

Any Suggestions?, Im lost!

Many Thanks,


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